doktor divinitas bahasa Inggris
- doktor: doctor; physician; doctor (title); doc;
- doktor: doctor; physician; doctor (title); doc; pharmacist; general practitioner; department of commerce; doctor of the church; md; commerce; chemist; pill pusher; gp; medico; commerce department; doctorate
- doktor azerbaijan: azerbaijani physicians
- Vermigli was ordained in 1525 and probably received his Doctor of Divinity around that time.
Vermigli ditahbiskan pada 1525 dan mungkin meraih gelar Doktor Divinitas pada sekitaran masa itu. - In June 1901, he received an honorary doctorate of divinity from the University of Glasgow.
Pada bulan Juni 1901, ia menerima gelar Doktor Divinitas kehormatan dari University of Glasgow. - A Doctor of Divinity may have cords interwoven with red and a hat appropriate to the degree, and members of the Ecclesiastical Household add a Tudor rose on the front of the hat.
Tali tutup kepala Doktor Divinitas boleh diselang-selingi benang merah dengan gambar topi yang sesuai dengan gelarnya, sementara para anggota Rumah Tangga Gerejawi menambahkan gambar sekuntum Mawar Tudor di depan topi mereka.